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AccueilPortailGaleriehttps://www.polestar.com/intl/2017/06/07/one-hundred-thousand-volvo-cars-optimised-as-poleDernières imagesS'enregistrerConnexion


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Date d'inscription : 31/05/2007

Ne dites plus POLESTAR RACING  mais CYAN RACING Empty
MessageSujet: Ne dites plus POLESTAR RACING mais CYAN RACING   Ne dites plus POLESTAR RACING  mais CYAN RACING Icon_minitimeMer 9 Sep 2015 - 21:53


Polestar Racing changes name to become Cyan Racing

Following the sales of its performance division to Volvo Cars, Polestar Racing changes name to become Cyan Racing under continued ownership of Christian Dahl.
“We are returning to the very core of our passion: motorsport. The new name represents our cyan-blue colour which carries a proud heritage of Swedish motorsport on race tracks all over the world,” said Christian Dahl, CEO and sole owner of Cyan Racing.

The renamed Cyan Racing has been responsible for the motorsport programmes of Volvo Cars since 1996 and will continue to be so as the official motorsport partner to Polestar, the Volvo Cars Performance Division.

Cyan Racing has since its foundation in 1996 claimed 14 titles, over 100 race victories and more than 220 podium finishes while racing in the STCC, WTCC, V8 Supercars and other championships.

The performance section of the racing company was started in 2009, introducing the successful Polestar Performance Optimisation for Volvo cars, followed a year later by the first concept car in the form of the Volvo C30 Polestar Concept. That car laid the foundation for the first production cars of the company, the Volvo S60 and V60 Polestar, introduced in 2013.

“It has been an amazing journey developing the first performance foundation of Polestar. We will continue a close relationship with our efforts now focused 100 per cent on motorsport and we have an exciting future ahead of us together,” said Dahl.

Next up for the team is the penultimate round of the 2015 Scandinavian Touring Car Championship at Solvalla in the Swedish capital Stockholm on September 11-12th.

Further news on the future motorsport plans of Cyan Racing will be communicated shortly.

Note to editors about Cyan Racing:

Volvo has acquired Polestar Performance AB, which comprises a range performance products including performance-edition cars and performance drivetrain optimisations, as well as Polestar Holding AB, which is the owner of the Polestar trademarks. Volvo has not acquired the racing division of Polestar, now named Cyan Racing and still owned by Christian Dahl. Polestar is Volvo Cars Performance Division and Cyan Racing is the official motorsport partner to Polestar.

For further information: media@cyanracing.com
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